Garbage Collection Residential Guidelines and Recycling Info from Allied Waste (BFI)
- All trash should be ready for collection by 7:00 a.m., Tuesdays and Fridays.
- Limit of 10, 30-gallon bags or 3, 32- gallon trash cans maximum. Plastic bags must be designed to store refuse and with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top.
- Cut brush and tree trimmings in lengths not to exceed 4’, 2” in diameter, securely tied in bundles and not weighing more than 45 lbs. Limit 4 bundles on each pick-up day. Place grass clippings, leaves, branches and tree trimmings at curb (limit 10 bags per household).
- Boxes from move-ins will be collected at the curb on regular collection days. Please break boxes down, if possible. Packing material (“peanuts”) need to be bagged properly to avoid trash spills. Drivers will not clean up if material is loose, since it can easily fly out of can.
- Dead animals are not allowed in the trash.
- Ammunition is not allowed in the trash.
- Carpeting if it is cut into 4’ lengths or less and bundled.
The following chemicals will not be picked up:
- Arsenic,
- chemicals not in original containers,
- chemical containers larger than 5 gal.,
- explosives,
- mercury,
- nuclear/radioactive waste,
- thermometers,
- fluorescent lights,
- unidentified chemicals,
- paint,
- grease,
- insecticides,
- flammable chemicals,
- hazardous materials,
- gasoline,
- oil,
- etc
Heavy Trash
(Friday pickup) Limited to one bulk item: includes stoves, refrigerators (Freon must be drained and tapped by certified technician), water tanks (empty), washing machines, furniture, grill w/o propane tank.